
Overview Of Dyscalculia

直播摘要 Live capture:
– 有哪幾類數學障礙? What are the kinds of dyscalculia?
– 數學障礙有甚麼徵狀? What are some characteristics of dyscalculia?
– 怎樣幫助有數學障礙的小朋友? How can I help my child who has dyscalculia?
– 發現小朋友有數學障礙怎樣辦? What should I do if my child has dyscalculia?
– 怎樣教小朋友直式運算? How can I teach my child the vertical form of calculation ?
– 怎樣教小朋友分辦數字大小? How can I teach my child to differentiate between smaller and larger numbers?
– 怎樣教小朋友數數字? How can I teach my child to count numbers?
– 怎樣教小朋友數物件? How can I teach my child to count objects?

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