Mental Health Week
May 9, 2024
April 2, 2024
🌈 四月是自閉症意識月,這個月提醒大家多瞭解自閉症,表揚自閉症患者的獨特素質,共同努力創造一個包容的社會。 這是一個表達支持、傳播善意和向自閉症朋友和家人學習的機會。 讓我們利用這個月來理解和欣賞這世界的多樣性,朝著包容性邁出每一步!
April is Autism Awareness Month, a special time to learn about autism, celebrate the unique qualities of people with autism, and work together for a world where everyone belongs. It’s a chance to show support, spread kindness, and learn from our friends and family members with autism. Let’s use this month to grow our understanding and appreciation for the diversity in our world. Every step we take towards inclusion makes our community stronger. Join the journey towards acceptance and friendship this April!
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