Frequently Asked Questions
你們提供個別醫療服務嗎? / Do you provide personal medical services?
OKH 很高興分享一般的健康資訊,以支持你家人的健康。可是,我們無法提供直接的醫療建議,但鼓勵你根據你的需要,與您的醫療保健提供者討論和尋求協助。
OKH is pleased to share general health information to support the wellbeing of your family. We are unable to provide direct medical advice and encourage you to speak with your healthcare provider or seek medical attention, as required.
你們提供面對面的醫療服務嗎? / Do you provide in-person medical services?
OKH 是一項基於社交媒體的健康計劃,我們不提供面對面或網上醫療服務。
OKH is a social-media based health promotion program and does not facilitate in-person or virtual medical care.
拍攝視頻的提供者會否獲得報酬? / Do the providers get paid to film videos?
The healthcare providers who contribute to our content design and delivery do not receive compensation from OKH.
你們位於哪裡? / Where are you based?
OKH 位於多倫多的聖邁可醫院 (St. Michael’s Hospital, Unity Health Toronto) ,並歡迎來自世界各地為 OKH 頻道貢獻的人。
OKH is based at St. Michael’s Hospital, Unity Health Toronto and welcomes contributors for the OKH channels from across the world.
你從哪裡得到你的資訊? / Where do you get your information?
We aim to share evidence-based health information that is reviewed by our expert review panel, in keeping with best practices and guidelines (as per professional bodies such as the Canadian Pediatrics Society).
你如何決定創建哪些內容? / How do you decide which content to create?
OKH 是一項由社區主導的計劃,優先專注這個網絡社群的觀點、價值觀和需求。我們歡迎任何問題和評論,以幫助指導我們的頻道內容。如果你有任何問題,請點擊<此處>。各 OKH 的文化頻道都會以社群成員和機構的建議和參與為指引。
OKH is a community-led initiative, that focuses on the priorities, perspectives, values and needs of our online community. We welcome questions and comments to help guide our content. If you would like to submit a question please click <here>. The various OKH cultural-linguistic chapters are guided by recommendations and engagement with community members and agencies.
你的團隊可以接受媒體採訪嗎? / Is your team available for media interviews?
我能如何幫忙? / How can I contribute?