我們的成員 / Our Team
MBBS, MRCPCH, Paediatric Endocrinology
王詩玲醫生位於馬來西亞雪蘭莪州的哥打白沙羅,是雙威白沙羅專科醫療中心的兒科醫生(MRCPCH 英國)並專注於兒科內分泌學(馬來西亞,澳洲)。 她平常會諮詢嬰兒和兒童疾病,包括疫苗接種以及內分泌疾病。 她是《馬來西亞兒科議定書》、《馬來西亞甲狀腺疾病管理臨床實踐指南》、《馬來西亞先天性甲狀腺功能減退症共識指南》的撰稿人,也是《星期日星報》健康專欄《激素與兒童》的每月撰稿人。 此外,她是國家專科註冊(NSR)兒科內分泌小組委員會和馬來西亞兒科內分泌糖尿病組(MPEDG) 的重要成員。 透過為各政府醫院服務,王醫生在其兒科部門也獲得了多個卓越獎。
Dr. Jeanne Wong Sze Lyn
MBBS, MRCPCH, Paediatric Endocrinology
Dr. Jeanne Wong is a General Paediatrician (MRCPCH UK) and Paediatric Endocrinologist (Malaysia, Australia) at Sunway Specialist Centre Damansara, Kota Damansara, Selangor, Malaysia. She sees various baby and childhood conditions, including vaccinations and endocrine conditions. She authors for the Malaysian Paediatric Protocol; Malaysia Clinical Practice Guidelines for Management of Thyroid Disorders; Consensus Guidelines on Congenital Hypothyroidism in Malaysia and the Sunday Star newspaper’s health column titled Hormones and Kids. In addition, she holds important positions in the National Specialist Register (NSR) Paediatric Endocrinology subcommittee and Malaysian Paediatric Endocrine Diabetes Group (MPEDG). She has also received multiple excellence awards for her service in Paediatric Departments throughout the years of her practice in various government hospitals.
佘嘉偉博士是一位兒科醫生,他在多倫多大學獲取醫學學位並完成兒科住院醫師培訓。 他喜歡從事社區醫院的醫療服務,包括處理新生兒分娩、急診室和住院病人,而且對便秘問題和醫療技術方面特別感興趣。 作為一名狂熱的爵士樂迷,他也是一名業餘長號手和吉他手。
Dr. Desmond She
Dr. Desmond She is a general pediatrician who completed his medical school and pediatrics residency through the University of Toronto. He enjoys community-hospital based community care and participates in newborn deliveries, emergency department consultation, and in-patient management. He has special interests in constipation management and medical technology. An avid jazz fan, he dabbles as an amateur trombonist and guitarist.
何思穎博士出生於香港並在多倫多長大,她是溫哥華英屬哥倫比亞省兒童醫院 (BC Children’s Hospital) 的心理學家。她在倫敦健康科學中心 (London Health Sciences Centre) 完成了博士前實習,並在橙縣兒童醫院的湯普森自閉症中心 (Children’s Hospital of Orange County – Thompson Autism Center) 完成了博士後研究。她熱衷於幫助兒童、青少年及其家人解決各種心理健康和發展問題。她的研究主要關於發展障礙,特別是加拿大和亞洲的自閉症診斷和評估過程。由於她自己以加拿大華人的身份成長,她很高興能參與這個團隊,為說廣東話的家庭提供有科學根據的兒童健康資訊。
Dr. Hilda Ho
Born in Hong Kong and raised in Toronto, Dr. Hilda Ho is currently a psychologist at BC Children’s Hospital in Vancouver. She completed her pre-doctoral residency at London Health Sciences Centre and her post-doctoral fellowship at the Thompson Autism Center at the Children’s Hospital of Orange County. She is passionate about working with children, teens, and their families to address various mental health and developmental concerns. Her research is within the field of Developmental Disabilities and specifically, in the diagnosis and assessment process of Autism Spectrum Disorders in Canada and in Asia. Given her own upbringing as a Chinese-Canadian, she is excited to be part of this initiative to provide evidence-based information tailored to Cantonese-speaking families.
何醫生是萬錦市的一名兒科及顧問醫生。她於新澤西州兒童醫院(Children’s Hospital of New Jersey) 完成住院醫師培訓,並於多倫多病童醫院完成了住院專科培訓,專注於照顧有急症需要留院以及有復合護理需求的小朋友。她曾經在 Rutgers New Jersey Medical School任職助理教授,以及在費城兒童醫院 (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia) 任職住院部醫生。在中國廣州土生土長的何醫生,很高興可以回饋給說國語和廣東話的社群!在醫學以外,她喜歡和丈夫,還有他們兩歲的兒子一起,她最近還喜歡上了做運動,鍛鍊身體!
Dr. Jackie Lui (He)
Dr. Lui is a primary and consultant Pediatrician in Markham. She completed her Pediatric residency and chief residency from Children’s Hospital of New Jersey, and a Pediatric Hospital Medicine fellowship at The Hospital for Sick Children, where she cared for children who were acutely ill in the hospital, and children with complex medical conditions. Before coming to Toronto, she was an assistant professor at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, and a hospitalist at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Dr. Lui was born and raised in Guangzhou, China, and she is very excited to give back to the Mandarin/Cantonese community! Outside of medicine, she enjoys spending time with husband and their toddler boy, and she recently started enjoying working out!
陳曉彤醫生是萬錦市多福醫院 (Oak Valley Health, Markham Stouffville Hospital) 的兒科顧問醫生。她立志幫助弱小社群,而且在多倫多兒童保護協會 (Children’s Aid Society of Toronto) 以及Health Access Thorncliffe Park 的駐校診所擔任兒科醫生。此外,她也在萬錦市為有不同身體、發展和學習問題的兒童提供顧問服務。陳醫生很高興能加入「孩子們的健康」 (Our Kids’ Health) ,跟大家分享她作為一位母親和兒科醫生的經驗!
Dr. Veronica Chan
Dr. Veronica Chan is a consultant general paediatrician at Oak Valley Health (Markham Stouffville Hospital) in Markham, Ontario. She also has a consulting practice in Markham, where she cares for children with various medical, developmental, and learning concerns. With an interest in the care of vulnerable populations, she works as a paediatrician with the School Clinic of Health Access Thorncliffe Park. Dr. Chan is a lecturer and part-time clinician teacher with the University of Toronto. She is excited to be joining the Cantonese Kids’ Health team to share her experience as a mom of 2 and paediatrician!
區嘉賢畢業於多倫多大學 (University of Toronto) 的心理健康和神經科學榮譽理學士,並在約克大學 (York University) 完成了發展心理學碩士學位,而且獲得了 Meighen Wright Maternal-Child Health Graduate Scholarship。她主要研究兒童的認知發展,以及神經發育障礙。她致力促進兒童發展、孕產婦的心理健康和親子關係。憑藉她來自香港的文化背景,她很高興能以研究協調員的身份加入粵語和普通話版「孩子們的健康」!
Michelle Au
Michelle Au completed her Honours Bachelor of Science in Mental Health Studies and Neuroscience at the University of Toronto. She has also obtained her Master of Art in Developmental Psychology at York University, and received the Meighen Wright Maternal-Child Health Graduate Scholarship. Her research focuses on child cognitive development in relation to neurodevelopmental disorders. She is dedicated to promoting child development, maternal mental health, and parental relationship. With her cultural background from Hong Kong, she is excited to join as a Research and Community Coordinator for both the Cantonese and Mandarin Kids’ Health teams!
何敏櫻是多倫多大學 (University of Toronto) 的醫學生,現於多倫多病童醫院 (The Hospital for Sick Children) 做住院兒科醫生。作為一個新人,她親身體驗到由擁有相似背景和經歷的人提供醫療服務的重要性。所以,她加入了「孩子們的健康」 (Our Kids’ Health),以支持黑人、原住民和有色人種家庭的兒童健康需求和發展。在醫學以外,她喜歡彈吉他和觀看體育比賽。
Dr. Bernice Ho
Dr. Bernice Ho graduated from the medical school at the University of Toronto and is now a pediatric resident at The Hospital for Sick Children. As a newcomer herself, she experienced firsthand the importance of identifying with and receiving care from healthcare providers who look similarly and have shared lived experiences. Thus, she joined the Our Kids’ Health team to support the health needs and positive development of children from BIPOC families. Outside of medicine, she enjoys playing guitar and watching sports.
楊醫生是聖邁可醫院(St. Michael’s Hospital) 的兒科醫生、兒童體智及行為發展學的醫生,以及該部門的社區和門診服務的醫療領導。除外,她也是多倫多大學 (University of Toronto) 的助理教授。她畢業於麥瑪斯達大學 (McMaster University) 的醫學院,並在皇后大學 (Queens University) 獲得兒科駐院醫師的資格。在成為兒科醫生的兩年後,她在多倫多大學完成了兒童體智及行為發展學的專業住院醫師資格。 透過兒童發展學和普通兒科的雙重培訓和工作經驗,她獨特的見解可以幫助有發展障礙的兒童和家庭。她的研究著重於幫助學員、家庭醫生和兒科醫生容納及照顧更多有發展障礙的兒童,並幫助他們渡過童年和過渡至成年期。
Dr. Elizabeth Young
Dr. Elizabeth Young is a general consulting and developmental pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics at St. Michael’s Hospital. She is the Medical Lead for Community Outreach and Ambulatory Services for the department, and an Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto. She completed medical school at McMaster University and a Pediatrics residency at Queens University. She worked as a general pediatrician for two years in Toronto and then went on to complete her developmental pediatric sub specialty residency at the University of Toronto. Her dual training and work experience in developmental and general pediatrics provides her a unique perspective in the management of families of children with developmental disorders. Dr. Young’s clinical and research program focuses on increasing capacity among trainees, family physicians and pediatricians on caring for children with developmental disorders, and on supporting families through childhood and transition into adulthood.
張芷昕醫生是一名位於英屬哥倫比亞 (British Columbia) 的社區兒科醫生和英屬哥倫比亞大學 (University of British Columbia) 的臨床導師。她在日常生活及工作中均以平等、多元和包容為其原則及目標。張醫生由香港移民至加拿大,而且有中國北方文化的背景,在瑪斯琴、史戈米殊及斯里華圖原住民未割讓的領土—溫哥華成長。她畢業於英屬哥倫比亞大學的醫學院,後於多倫多大學 (University of Toronto) 醫學院完成四年的駐院醫師培訓。除了醫學外,她喜歡音樂和旅遊。張醫生非常高興能參與這個支持兒童健康的團隊,藉此向華裔家庭提供準確的健康資訊。
Dr. Bonnie Chi-Yan Cheung
Dr. Bonnie Cheung is a Community Pediatrician in British Columbia and a clinical instructor at the University of British Columbia. Her goals include ensuring that equity, diversity, and inclusion are embodied in her clinical practice and everyday life. She is a settler immigrant from Hong Kong of Cantonese and Northern Chinese background and grew up on the unceded territories of the Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh Nations colonially known as Vancouver. She completed medical school at the University of British Columbia and Pediatric Residency training at the University of Toronto. Outside of medicine, she enjoys music and travelling. She is excited to be a part of this initiative that helps support child health and make accurate health information more accessible to Chinese families.
謝正雯醫生是成癮和精神健康中心 (CAMH) 強迫症和焦慮症服務部門的領導人,也是一般成人精神病學、醫療系統部、以及分子生物學的醫學科研家。她是多倫多大學 (University of Toronto) 精神病學的副教授,亦是劍橋大學 (University of Cambridge) 精神病學的訪問學者。她於多倫多大學完成了醫學培訓、精神病學駐院醫師培訓和博士學位。她的研究興趣是使用多模態方法,包括遺傳學、表觀遺傳學、藥物基因組學、神經影像學和認知神經科學,來研究抑鬱症、焦慮症和強迫症的治療方法。 她目前主要研究能預測精神病治療反應,以及代表其關鍵症狀的生物標誌物。
Dr. Gwyneth Zai
Dr. Gwyneth Zai is the Service Lead of the OCD and Anxiety Disorders Services and a Clinician Scientist in the General Adult Psychiatry and Health Systems Division and the Department of Molecular Science at CAMH. She is an Associate Professor at the Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, and an affiliated Visiting Fellow at the Department of Psychiatry, University of Cambridge. She completed her medical training, psychiatry residency, and PhD at the University of Toronto. Her research interests include using multi-modal approaches — genetics, epigenetics, pharmacogenomics, neuroimaging, and cognitive neuroscience — to develop treatment supports for depressive, anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive disorders. A major focus of her current research includes the identification of predictive biomarkers underlying treatment response and expression of key symptoms of these illnesses.